Under Employees > Consents, admins can now create, manage, and track employee consent requests. This feature ensures employees acknowledge specific policies or documents before gaining full access to their dashboards.
What’s new?
Consent creation and customization: Admins can easily create new consents with a unique title, set reminder frequencies (daily, weekly, monthly), and specify the maximum number of reminders.
Access control: When setting up a consent, admins can check the option to ‘Block Dashboard Access for Employees’ until the consent is signed.
When selected, employees with pending consents will be redirected to the signing page instead of their dashboards. When not selected, employees will be able to access their dashboards but their consent will still be pending.
Tracking and status monitoring: Admins can monitor the consent’s status, check if employees have viewed or signed it, and track the exact dates and times of each action.
(Tip: Signed consent documents are accessible in the employee’s Document Center, maintaining transparency and record-keeping.]
Guardrails for admins: Consents can be saved in draft mode, allowing admins to verify templates before sending them to employees.
(Note: Drafts can be deleted, but once sent, the consent becomes final and cannot be removed.)