Audit-ready valuation
report in 5 days
Get company and options valuation reports for India, Singapore, and the US (409A) directly from EquityList. Keep yourself compliant and audit-ready with reports in data rooms!

Get company and options valuation reports for India, Singapore, and the US (409A) directly from EquityList. Keep yourself compliant and audit-ready with reports in data rooms!
Stop juggling between multiple vendors. Fill out basic details about your business, fetch the rest from EquityList & get your report within 5 days
EquityList has partnered with expert appraisers with years of experience to ensure reliable & high-quality valuation reports
Be fundraising ready with an updated valuation report to ensure a seamless due-diligence & audit review. Issue stock options stress-free with an updated 409A
Get your 409A valuation report directly through the platform from EquityList’s team of experts and partners
Get your valuation report through a registered valuer or a merchant banker, depending on your requirement
Get your options valuation report based on the Black-Scholes Model (BSM) to accurately value your stock options
Fetch existing shareholder and cap table information directly from your EquityList account. Share your updated valuation reports with investors via data rooms